Welcome to omino business and psychology advisors
Analysis and Development Services
At Omino Business Psychology Advisors we offer analysis and development services for leaders, management teams and boards across Europe. We use business psychology to help companies make informed decisions and to enable sustainable development.
Our Services and Skills
At Omino we mainly offer two types of services: analysis, i.e. assessment, audit and evaluations; and development, i.e. leadership development, executive coaching and management team development. We use scientific methods in order to assure consistency and reliability at the same time as we put our clients’ needs first, being flexible and tailoring our offerings to our clients’ challenges.
Analysis is the core of Omino’s client offerings and what we are experts at. Our ability to get a deeper understanding of people, teams and organizations, allows our clients to take informed decisions in regards to selection, recruitment or organizational change. Our analyses will be the foundation that gives clients peace of mind in difficult decisions and permits them to focus on their business. Every step of our Omino analysis is intelligently constructed to provide accurate advice and promote development.
The thorough and structured steps of an Omino analysis allow us to provide tailored solutions focusing on sustainable development. This means that we do not only give you the intelligence concerning needed actions, we support you all the way from analysis to change. Our services combine scientific methods with close-to-business interventions, which provide the optimal foundation for change and growth.
Our People

Malin Holm
Associate Advisor & Lic. Psychologist
Head of Wartegg Institute Sweden
+46 70 321 30 90

About Omino
At Omino Business Psychology Advisors we are experts on people – what makes them tick and what makes them grow. Our passion is to use our knowledge in business psychology to help leaders, management teams and boards to make informed decisions and to enable sustainable development. We adapt our services to the specific needs and challenges of our client organisations and are always available for discussions and advice. We want our contributions to make a difference and work hard to ensure it.
OUR NAME Omino stems from the Latin word Omnis, meaning “all”. That is what we strive for: working with all aspects of people in business – individuals, teams and organisations.
OUR MISSION is to enable people to be courageous and exceptional leaders every day.
OUR CORE VALUES are Passion, Respect, and Courage together.
OUR PROMISE to our clients is that we will enable people to grow.
Omino in media
DI: Affärspsykologen: Pandemin har gjort oss slöare
DI: Maxa förmågan likt eliten: “Stress inte problemet”
DI: Mitt i bruset Sommarspecial: Öka prestationen
SvD: Gåtan: Varför bränner inte toppchefen ut sig?
Svenska dagbladet: Efter vd-skandalerna: “Toleransen har minskat”
Svenska dagbladet: Hemarbete gör att chefer måste bli bättre
Besöksliv: “Ensam är inte stark” (PDF)
VD-tidningen: I huvudet & hjärtat på en bra vd (PDF)
DI: Vd-karusellen endast för män
Svenska dagbladet: Psykolog: Stoppa kvotering av vita män på börsen
DI: Stoppa kvoteringen av medelålders män
Ålandstidningen: “Många chefer överskattar sin egen förmåga” (PDF)
Svenska dagbladet: Psykologtest bäddar för färre chefsbyten